Monday 11 February 2019

Choki & Chiki 1st Week

1st day dah diajar main hp

1 bulan lepas kematian Kiki tersayang, kami g survey beberapa blog, website, cari kat belakang rumah, kedai, time cari mmg x jumpa. so, eventually kami g petshop. ada banyak kucing tengah tunggu utk adoption. kesian lak tengok muka diorg, tapi apakan daya, kami nak kittens gak. Macam Kiki dulu. In fact, kalau boleh, nak yang serupa Kiki gak. Sedih x hilang lagi ni... sampai sekarang pun..

So, 1st round survey, adalah beberapa kittens dari bermacam2 breed, lingkungan harga RM150 sekor. Kebanyakannya sakit mata so doktor xnak discharge.

2nd round datang lagi survey kut la ada yg baru, masih lagi kittens yg sama & masih sakit mata. So, tengok2 jer la. Sekali masa tengah dok tengok2 tu, ada staf kata, nak x kittens? Eh memang nak la. kalau free laaaagi la nak. Tapi of course la x kan.

Wahh comelnyer!!!

Nak!! Tapi bila staf kata RM150 sekor, mcm nak tercekik rasanya. tapi suka punya pasal, book 2 ekor buluuss.. this time mmg kena emphasize bulus sbb mmg panjang bulunya. Domestic Long Hair.

6/2/19, 2 ekor bulus  ikut kami balik. setelah nego dgn owner, dapat la RM100 sekor.
Green Mom & Kitten RM17/kg

Promo sikit. Kalau Melayu x promo Melayu, mmg x patut
8/2 - Choki & Chiki kena cirit birit plak. masa datang aritu perut buncit, xtau la cacing ke apa, sekali pas cirit birit jadi kurus giler nampak tali gitar (tulang rusuk). Pengajaran! Jangan bagi minum baja haiwan pada kucing2 bawah 3 bulan. Especially yg belum diberi ubat cacing. Bancuh ikut arahan & spray badan. Dulu pernah bagi kat Kecik (anak kucing belaan sekejap pastu hilang tah kemana, sedih) pastu dia cirit jugak. tapi dah lupa sbb dah lama. 

Bagi biskut xnak, beli wet food kat kedai, makan, tapi sekali tu je, pastu berak lagi. buat ayam rebus + bayam + telur, makan sikit pastu xnak jugak. biskut + susu kambing (mahal ni) xnak juga. buat ikan rebus + nasi, makan sikit pastu xnak. hilang akal aku. Sampai adik x selera makan sbb kittens x makan. 

9/2, magrib. setelah stress nak mampus kena nagging oleh adik.. 
Chiki 600gm

Choki 600gm
Maxhico Deworming Syrup - RM10.50

Kesannya, masih cirit setelah diberikan ubat selama 48 jam. But at least nampak lebih bertenaga berbanding pd 8/2 tu. Masih force feed guna syringe. Bubur nasi + ikan sardin rebus (bukan tin punya)

Hari ni, 11/2, nampaknya dah boleh makan & minum dengan sendirinya. Dah panjat tangga. ni senyap je dah g mana plak.

Chiki suka tidur dalam bilik.
Cat carrier Kiki dijadikan bilik.
Pintunya dah karat.

Choki boleh tidur dimana2 je
Cat Astronaut Carrier from PAF Pet shop Ipoh @ RM53

Monday 9 November 2015

If I were to teach myself THINGS, where would I start?

I'm not good at maths or physics or chemistry or accounting or anything that has to do with applying principles of this or that. I am in my 40s, a working mom and I am struggling at everything. The TV and good novels always gets in the way. By TV I mean any shows even the commercial. I am basically a couch potato. Its a good thing I don't have a good couch to make me sit all day long and be absolutely useless. Its also a good thing that the TV didn't come with a good couch.

I have 3 kids (at least my house don't look like those houses in the Niecy Nash Clean House : Search For The Messiest House In The Country, not even half of it!) and I think I have them under control so actually they're not the real problem here. And a cat. He is also not much of a problem since he sleeps almost most of the day and takes a run after girls and mice at night. As for my husband he's just never around during the day (chasing the immobile holes in one!) and he says no to most of my suggestions so I'll just do my things out of his way. He'll never notice a thing. So that just leaves me and my inconsistent self.

So, if I were to start today, to learn, be good at everything and finally be able to teach the people around me, where would I start?

1. I want to be good at Maths.

2. I want to learn Arabic, Chinese (there are 1.6 billion Chinese in the world, worth it!) Japanese, Korean, Hindi and French.
3. I want to sew but not to be a tailor.
4. I want to be fit without paying anything to anyone.
5. I want my kids to become doctors.
6. I want to save money
7. I want voluntary respect from my husband and his friends.
8. I want my cat to be fat.
9. I want a nice and workable kitchen and sewing room.
10. I want to write books.

Today I'll start by learning how to be punctual so that maybe I can achieve all my ambitions. Maybe in a couple of days if I can remind myself to look at my blog, I'll work on my inconsistency issues.

Saturday 17 October 2015


Gambar kiki hari pertama


Kami jumpa & adopted si comel berbulu ni dah setahun. 9/2014. jumpa kat dalam longkang besar depan sekolah. 
tak tau nak buat apa dengan dia, kami bawak dia ke Pet shop terdekat. lebur RM25 utk cat food & cage.
Dari Pet to Vet, lebur RM22 utk ubat cacing & kutu, kami daftar nama dia Kiki. Jantinanya kami x tau. Sebab tu assume saja dia betina. timbang siap, berat dia x sampai 1kg pun. kecik, mata sepet sebelah & kuat melalak!
jalan gigil2. x berani naik tangga. penakut sangat2. Pee & Poo pun banyak sangat.

Setiap hari rutin bangun dari tidur kutip Mr. Poo & lap Ms Pee. Yang ni experienced by me alone. No kami here. where are the kids when you need them. Janji nak tolong bela. Tabur janji je pandai.

Balik maghrib sekali round lagi kutip Mr. Poo & lap Ms Pee. 
Tapi pengalaman ada muka comel tunggu kita kat cermin sliding door setiap kali balik rumah is priceless!

Main benang  kait memang favorite dia.

Dan tidur lagi
Masa tu senang nak bela Kiki sebab dia penakut. x keluar rumah langsung. asyik main, makan, tidur. Siang tidur atas karpet & sofa, malam kat tangga mcm CCTV.
Awas! Anda sedang diperhatikan!
Semua ni gambar2 Kiki tahun lepas.